The clips are part of a set of interviews prepared by the Czech team following the main project topic “breaching the wall” and also the fact that “we need education.” We emphasized keeping the oral history standards during the whole process or collecting the interviews and their further processing to have the final form that can be published. In line with methodology standards, the first part of the interviews concentrated on an “open narrative” of a life story; then we asked the questions directly aimed at the topic, specifically: the issue of Berlin Wall – memories of that day, of that historical moment, its “real” and symbolical meaning. Then we concentrated on related topics of freedom, the place of the Czech Republic in European structures. An important part of the interviews was that of comparison “before” and “after” – comparison of the narrator’s ideas, expectations, and wishes in the times of gaining freedom in 1989 with further developments, with the current situation in the country, in neighboring countries, in Europe, etc. After addressing a wide range of potential narrators, we focused on getting the most representative selection of opinions. Thus, women and men, older and youngest generations, as well as people from different strata are relatively evenly represented in the group. We included people both from Prague, the capital, and from smaller towns, as well as people from border regions. The sample includes entrepreneurs, municipal politician, teacher, technician, people, as well as corporate employees or a pensioner. The sample thus brings a wide range of various experiences and reflections both on freedom and the concept of walls (in the meaning of both real and symbolic obstacles).