Publication of the book “1989 Muro di Berlino, Europa. Breaching the walls! We do need education
Fondazione Gramsci Emilia-Romagna is pleased to announce the publication of the 1989 Berlin Wall, Europe. Breaching the walls! We do need education edited by Roberto Ventresca and Teresa Malice published by Luca Sossella Editore. A choral tale that brings together the
I manifesti degli studenti
Abbiamo il piacere di pubblicare gli 11 elaborati prodotti dalle studentesse e dagli studenti della classe 5AGC dell’Istituto tecnico Aldini Valeriani di Bologna grazie alla collaborazione di Baumhaus, Cheap e dell'illustratore e fumettista Andrea Bruno.
Final Event
Fondazione Gramsci Emilia-Romagna is pleased to present the final event of the European Project Breaching the Walls. We do need education! scheduled for Thursday, June 10 and Friday, June 11, 2021, entirely online on ZOOM.
Presentation of the virtual exhibition by Past/Not Past
Past/Not Past presented on Tuesday 25 May 2021 the online exhibition realised in the framework of the European project Breaching the Walls. We do need education! project of the Bologna Gramsci Foundation.
Fourth international event
Venerdì 16 aprile 2021 alle ore 13.00 si terrà il quarto evento internazionale del progetto “Breaching the walls. We do need education!” a cura dell'History Meeting House di Varsavia
I laboratori nelle scuole
È iniziata, lo scorso 25 gennaio, la fase laboratoriale, in collaborazione con Baumhaus e Cheap Street Poster Art, del progetto Breaching the Walls. We do need education! Il coinvolgimento degli studenti è uno snodo fondamentale per la realizzazione di questo progetto,
Orality, Writing, Digital. The transformation of communication processes
On Thursday 17 December 2020 at 5 p.m., the Gramsci Foundation Emilia-Romagna organised the meeting ORALITY DIGITAL WRITING. The transformation of communication processes With interventions by: Matilde Callari Galli Giovanna Cosenza Vincenzo Matera As we move from orality to writing, communication begins the process of
Memorie dall’89. Prove tecniche per una storia orale
We share the article Memorie dall'89. Prove tecniche per una storia orale edited by Federica Mascetti, published in issue 53 of the 2020 Zapruder Magazine. Click on the image to read the article
Third international event
Wednesday, December 16, 2020 was held the third international event of the project "Breaching the walls. We do need education!" by the Municipality of Tirana.
The 1989 in perspective: history, memory and orality in the European political space
Within the European project Breaching the Walls. We do need edication! the lesson:The 1989 in perspective: history, memory and orality in the European political space in collaboration with Ca' Foscari University in the field of Contemporary History teaching by Prof. Alessandro Casellato,