9 November 1989
The fall of the Berlin Wall is one of the most important and significant events of the 20th century, still able to play a significant periodizing role in contemporary European history. Above all, it is the symbol of the re-appropriation of individual rights and freedoms by citizens of the former Soviet bloc who have struggled to achieve more democracy in their countries. Like all events pregnant with symbolic value, it brings with it an interweaving of expectations and hopes, but also of disillusionments, brought by the gap that the original ideals live with respect to the reality of the present. Working critically on this problematic entanglement is the main objective of Breaching the Walls. We do need education!
Final Event
Fondazione Gramsci Emilia-Romagna is pleased to present the final event of the European Project Breaching the Walls. We do need
Fourth international event
Venerdì 16 aprile 2021 alle ore 13.00 si terrà il quarto evento internazionale del progetto “Breaching the walls. We do
Third international event
Wednesday, December 16, 2020 was held the third international event of the project "Breaching the walls. We do need education!"
Second international event
On Friday, September 25, 2020, the second international event of the project Breaching the walls was held. We do need
Main activities of the project
IN News
Info Template Breaching the walls!
Info Template Breaching the walls! We hereby make public the reporting document of the European project Breaching the Walls. We do need education! funded with support from the European Union under the Europe for Citizens programme. Click here to download it
Publication of the book “1989 Muro di Berlino, Europa. Breaching the walls! We do need education
Fondazione Gramsci Emilia-Romagna is pleased to announce the publication of the 1989 Berlin Wall, Europe. Breaching the walls! We do need education edited by Roberto Ventresca and Teresa Malice published by Luca Sossella Editore. A choral tale that brings together the
Coming soon the publication of the book 1989 Berlin Wall, Europe
Breaching the walls! We do need education is drawing to a close. We are therefore pleased to announce the imminent publication by Luca Sossella Editore of the book 1989 Berlin Wall, Europe. Breaching the walls! We do need education, edited by